October 15, 2024
We always wonder about God’s choice. How God chooses his people? Why some people are rejected and some are accepted in that place? Why Jacob was loved and Esau hated. Why was Saul made the King? Such questions are always answered with Romans 9:14 which says ” I WILL HAVE MERCY ON WHOM I HAVE MERCY, AND I WILL HAVE COMPASSION ON WHOM I HAVE COMPASSION.”  And still if people are not satisfied then Romans 9:20  follows which says “But who are you, O Man, to talk back to God.” 
We see that Jacob was loved more than Esau. God did not try to fail the plans of Rebeca. The twins were not familiar at all in their behaviour. Jacob a man of standing , whereas Esau a man who gets shaken easily. A man who changes his perception and views quickly. A man who is driven by emotions. When he sees that his wives were a trouble to his parents and his parents had instructed Jacob not to marry a canaanite woman. He goes and marries an Ishmaelite. (Genesis 28:6-9). When he is hungry all he wants is food and does not bother to sell his birthright to get that. When he sees Jacob after long time he forgets hatred and is filled with love. He was not a man of standing. Whereas Jacob was a man of standing. If he takes any decision he is determined to stand by it.  If he has to get a blessing he does not mind to wrestle with God. He was a man of standing. 
King Saul was not at all a man of standing. But his father Kish was. Samuel 9:1 says There was a Benjamite, a man of standing, whose name was Kish… 
God chose Saul as his father was a man of standing. Sometimes God shows his justice to his beloved by honouring their children for example Solomon was honoured because of his father. Choosing Saul was showing justice to both his father and Rachel mother of Benjamin. Rachel who died giving birth to Benjamin who gave him the name Ben-oni meaning ‘son of my trouble’. When Slot for King was open God remembered her and made sure that her son Benjamin’s grandson become the first king of Israel. Hence when Saul was anointed he was made to pass by Rachel’s tomb. Hence God liked Kish a man of standing.

Another man of standing was Jerobaoam, King of Israel (1 Kings 11:28). But  later on we see that  he did not stood by God but forsaked God. But it is evident that God likes people who stand by God , Who stand by their decisions , who does not change their perceptions according to their surroundings.
If you are a man of standing, God will favour you, he will bless your children.God likes a Man of standing. 
Stand by your decision, Stand by God, Stand by the promises of GOD, Stand in the
                       QUIVER OF GOD.

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