October 16, 2024

Our God is an awesome God . He is our hope at the time of trouble. He pulls us out of every troubles and difficulties in different ways. His plans are not our plans. The things that we consider small may be the reason of our deliverance. We humans always have the tendency to despise the things, we have. God uses those little things to help us. 

Then the LORD said to him, “What is that in your hand?” Exodus 4:2.                              Prince turned Shepherd, Moses had only a staff in his hand that he used for Shepherding. God asked him to submit that staff. Moses was the owner of the staff when he climbed up the mountain but when he is coming down the staff in his hand is the staff of GOD .In Exodus 4:20,  It’s ownership changed. If You submit to God what you have then it is not yours but God’s. Samson had nothing in his hand but found a fresh jaw bone. That’s  enough for God to perform in his life . He did not consider it as digusting. He picked it up with bare hands to create history. The thing in your hand can create history, can change the name of the place you are staying in (Judges 15:17). You may have a small job ,business , family, Church,etc.  Don’t despise it, but be faithful to it. Once submitted to God , it can a reason of your deliverance and an answer to your prayers.

David had only a sling in his hand when he defeated Goliath. He believed that with small sling he can defeat the giant. Later on he used the sword of Goliath and wore a crown weighing 34 Kg (1 Chronicles 20:2). A boy who was not able to walk wearing that armour King Saul gave him (1 Samuel 17:39) grew that much because he was faithfull in little.

God tells Gideon to go in the strength he has (Judges 6:14). Its ok if you have little strength God can use it for your deliverance. A little oil is enough to clear the debts of the widow. To feed the five thousand men five loaves of bread is enough. For survival of three only a handful of flour and oil is enough. To heal the bitterness if Marah, a piece of wood is enough. A small investment for big miracle . As Job 8:7 says, Your beginnings will seem humble so prosperous your future be. 

You may have little anointing, Don’t despise it. Be faithful in what you have . Joseph had  the gift of dreams, that’s the reason of his downfall but that same dreams will be the reason of his upliftment because he did not despise his gift. As Luke 16:10 says, Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,  and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. Hence, only those who are faithful in little and are ready to give ‘what’s in their hand’ will wait in the                              QUIVER OF GOD

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