October 15, 2024

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty GOD, Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace.                                                       Isaiah 9:6 

Almighty GOD , Wonderful Counselor, King of kings, Lord of lords, Prince of Peace, A father, Friend , Brother, husband, Rabbi (teacher). Is there any other role , you want GOD to play for you? Yes, he is everything for us. It depends on how we see him and approach to him. He plays his every part perfectly ,and fulfills each and every duties. 

GOD was a friend to Abraham (2 Chronicles 20:7 , Isaiah 41:8 ). As a friend he made a covenant with Abraham. We all know how friends are. When we fight with someone. Our friends interfere and support us. Same thing happened in Genesis 20. Instead of going to Abraham who hid the fact that Sarah was his wife, GOD is scolding Abimelech. How blessed we are to have such a friend!

Jacob saw a father in GOD. We see in old testament ,A father names a child and bless the child. Isaac was supposed to bless Jacob, but we see Isaac never intended to make him lord over anything (Genesis 27:37), and did not reserve any blessing for him. Hence , when GOD promises Jacob that he will watch over him (Genesis 28:15). Jacob saw a father in GOD , and when time came he did not back out and even wrestled with GOD for a BLESSING. GOD gave him a new name, and blessed him as a father.

There are many incidents in the bible where GOD plays the role of  father. When Hagar was cast out by Abraham ,GOD came as a father to Ishmael , named him and  blessed him (Genesis 16:11,12). GOD promised David that he will be the father of his child (2 Samuel 7:14) and hence when David named his son Solomon, GOD did not like it,for its the duty of a father to name the child , thus named him Jedidiah.(2 Samuel 12:24)

GOD will surely fulfill the duties of a father in our life. He knew us even before he laid the foundation of this earth, he blessed us with everything that we need. We might be missing some of our relations but GOD is ready to fill such void place. Like Ishmael you may be cast out, like Jacob you may have no one to ask of your well being. Remember there is a GOD to fill that space for you. He will be there for you always taking the role you want him to play.

                                                        To be continued

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