October 15, 2024

“Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom, prisoners suffering in iron chains, for they had rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High. So he subjected to bitter labor; they stumbled and there was no one to help. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.Psalm 107:10-13

The second scenario in this Psalm is about some people who rebelled against God. They sat in the darkness. With iron chains on their hands. All because they rebelled against the Most High. Some people like dimness in their lives. But this Psalm promises deliverance in their lives as well, for God’s love is unfailing.

The first King of Israel, King Saul was one such man who loved to sit in the darkness. He sinned against God and an evil spirit entered his life. Some translations suggest that this evil spirit is also called injurious spirit. This tormenting spirit filled him with depression and fear. This fear made him go after David all his life. But whenever David confronted him, Saul used to come to his senses. He used to apologize to David. But this would not last for long, and the very next moment King Saul used to do the same again.

Saul’s life was filled with such obscurity. He could have cried out to God for deliverance but he failed to do it. But yes, He knew God very well and trusted Him. He did not go in pursuit of idol worship. He had banned witchcraft in his Kingdom. This all shows how much he trusted God. At last, He gave in to witchcraft but even then, he wanted to meet Samuel. He spent most of his time sitting in the darkness and was subjected to bitter labor and no one could help him. He failed to cry out to God.

Sometimes people sit in darkness for long because they want to keep their positions, their name, their riches etc. but there would be a time when those people are ready to give in anything to come out of that darkness. We need to watch our every step carefully, lest we fall in the darkness.

He said: “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. From the depths of the grave I called for help, and you listened to my cry.” Jonah 2:2

Jonah a prophet, rebelled against God by not listening to His words. Instead of going to Nineveh, He sailed to Tarshish. God sent great wind to the sea and violent storm arose, to engulf him. As the sailors tried their best not to throw Jonah out of the ship. Jonah made that distress call to God.

There are certain times in our life when God asks us to move to some place or make some changes in our life, which we are afraid to do so. As it would mean to break our comfort zone for no reason.  And that’s when people tend to sit in the darkness. Jonah had no interest in saving the lives of people of Nineveh. When the people of Nineveh repented, Jonah was angry to God as if he really wanted them to get the punishment of God. Sometimes we need to work for God even if we have no interest in it. Try to develop the interest in it for it is significant to God.

I said, ‘I have been banished from your sight yet I will look again towards your holy temple.’ Jonah 2:4

One can redeem himself/herself if they are ready to look at the Almighty. He is a compassionate God and his love is unfailing. He will surely answer all the distress calls made to Him. King Saul failed to make that distress call. He trusted God but failed to align himself with the plan of God. And the gloominess prevailed over his life. But Jonah was quick to make that distress call. He was quick to amend his mistakes. Hence, come out of such darkness for you are meant to be in the QUIVER OF GOD.

2 thoughts on “Some distress calls to God. Psalm 107 [Part 2]..

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