October 12, 2024

Some wandered in desert wastelands, finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. Psalm 107:4-6

We all have different problems in our life. We all want to get delivered from these problems. But the way we got into those troubles remain hidden or better say we want to forget how we succumbed to such problems or troubles.

Psalm 107 states such distresses that people get into. This Psalm shows the great love of God that He bestows upon us even when we are far away from Him.

Why do we migrate to a new city? Most people migrate to another city in search of job, opportunity or simply because a city provides safety for their lives. Here, some get wandered in the desert or wastelands, when they went on to search for a city they could settle on. They searched for safety but here they are in the most unsecure place. They wanted opportunities in their life but here they are without any hope to see another


We too may have searched for something safe or we too have longed for some opportunities. We wanted to have safety in our relationship or jobs but alas! the scenario is something we never wanted to have. It’s something that we were afraid off from the very start.

I went away full, but the Lord has brought me back empty. Why call me Naomi? The Lord has afflicted me; the almighty has brought misfortune upon me. Ruth 1:21

Naomi and her family left the city of Bethlehem when the city was affected with famine. They wanted to avoid some bad times in the city. But the Moab city they took refuge on, brought all bad things in her life. She was somewhat well of when she entered that city. The city robbed her of all good things. People who lived in Bethlehem was astonished to see Naomi. They even exclaimed “Can this be Naomi?”. We may have set out to find something great in our lives. But when we lose our way, people from our past seems bewildered by our present state.

Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, towards Zoar.  Genesis 13:10

Lot looked upon some fresh plains of Jordan and thought of all the goodness he could reap from thar land. The Bible describe Sodom and Gomorrah as the garden of the Lord. But he got wandered in that wasteland instead of some garden of the Lord.

When we start to search for cities on our own, depending on the things we heard, things we saw from far away, or just by being adventurous. We may wander off. It is best for us that God chooses a place for us. For when He does so, not only will He fulfill His purpose in our life, but also fulfill the desires and needs of our lives. Desiring for good things in our life is not wrong. But the problem is we don’t exactly know what is good for us neither do we know the way to the city. And that is why when we try to go, we wander off. But if God is leading us to the city, He would lead us straight to the city, for nothing can deceive His eyes.

Moreover, the hunger and thirst will teach us many things. It will help us to understand the true value of a true city. When our lives get ebbed away, when we struggle against the flow of water. It would make us stronger. If we get into such deserts or wastelands remember to call on to that God. He will help us in our distress for He satisfies the thirsty and fill the hungry with good things.

Hence, those who were saved from such wastelands or deserts give praise to God. And those who are in such distress, rejoice in the Lord for His love endures forever, that is even in the darkest times of your life. He will make us strong for He needs strong arrows in the QUIVER OF GOD.

3 thoughts on “Some distress calls to God. Psalm 107 [Part 1]..

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