October 15, 2024

This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that, But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit. Once more a remnant of the house of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above.   Isaiah 37:30,31

We see how God make use of three generations to develop something enduring and prevailing. God established the Kingdom of Judah using three Generations. David was the man with whom God made the promise, thus making him a part of first generation. Solomon, a man who enjoyed the blessings given to David. Rehoboam whose decision changed all the tides.

God made a promise to Abraham. Abraham left all things behind to follow the Almighty God. He pleased God with his obedience. He passed in the tests that God gave him. His son, Isaac got rest from most of the troubles (but not completely). Whatever he did He found success. Jacob a man from the third generation, had to go through many troubles and tribulations in order to get the destined blessings.

To establish new testament, God used three generations. Jesus or Messiah, the first generation, and he is the promise himself. Jesus descended from heaven and He pleased God the Father. He passed through all temptations and tests. But this promise was first given or reserved to only Israelites thus making them the second generation. As the parable of wedding banquet given in Mathew 22:2,3 says, “The Kingdom of heaven is like a King who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

Israelites, were the ones waiting for Messiah. They had known this promise from very long time. They had been invited for the same but they refused to believe when it came to pass. Hence, the promise was extended to the Gentiles. Thus making the Gentiles, third generation. Gentiles can accept or deny this invitation. Third generation sows with their decision to accept the promise. They fight with the world to stay on their right decision.

First generation – This generation has to pass some expectation. When they pass this expectation, God initialize the process of making something enduring and prevailing. Moses, the most humble man on the face of the earth, was chosen by God to make him the first generation just like Abraham. In Exodus 32:10 says, Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into great nation.” Just like Abraham, Moses was also qualified to be first generation man. But he denied this process. (Interestingly, the third generation of Moses that is Jonathan son of Gershom was appointed as a priest to serve the idol of Micah.) Jeroboam was another man chosen to be in the first generation but he failed miserably.


Second generation – This generation springs from the first, and enjoys the promise from the start. But they can influence the third generation. And this influence can be both in good and bad ways. Solomon cherished the blessings, but failed to teach or instruct Rehoboam about the near future, and about the things he needs to do. David did that with Solomon, but Solomon failed to give his wise words to his son. (Fascinatingly, The wise thing Rehoboam did was to choose and teach his son Abijah. He cleared the path for his son and secured his near future. {2 Chronicles 11:23}) Isaac failed to recognize the third generation and that caused all kinds of trouble in Jacob’s life. Israelites or say the apostles were reluctant to share the promise of God with Gentiles.  

Third generation – This generation can sow and reap. They can decide for their future but they have to put a little fight. They have to run through a difficult race by keeping their faith intact. Only then can they claim the promise. Be it any generation, do the work destined to us perfectly. For we are destined in the Quiver of God.

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