October 16, 2024

 Does it matter to us what others think about us? If we were to listen to every others perspective about us, then perhaps no one can live on this planet. Generally, people say never get bothered about what others think and say about you. But even Jesus asked “Who do people say I am?”.


When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”     Mathew 16:13,14

In this passage, it seems that Jesus wants to know what others thought about him. Not that it mattered to him but He just wanted an opinion from his disciples about what others thought about him. Jesus always knew what others thought about him. There were many serious accusations against him. He was called rabbi by some people, whereas some people said he was possessed by Beelzebub. Some said he was just a carpenter’s son. These things never bothered Jesus or his ministry. But now, standing in Caesarea Philippi, He wants to hear from his disciples about what others thought about him.

Jesus’s disciples were very keen to tell him that what people called him. They told Him how people compared him with great prophets of old times. And at last Jesus asks about their own opinion. Peter here declares that He is the Son of God.

We may have been following Jesus very closely. We may have seen all His great and mighty things but when God turns to ask what do people say I am? what would be our answer? Will you have a unique answer like that of Peter? All these days Jesus was trying to prove that He is the son of God. All his sermons were about himself. He did all the miracles on the light of those verses that indicated him to be the Son of God. All these years of our life too, He is trying to show He is the savior of our life. He is the owner of our life. But when small problem questions us, we stumble back. We think all the past wonders and miracles were great and now they are finished.

Just like those people who thought that Jesus was someone like their old, and great prophets. But all these problems and questions come so that we may stand bold and proclaim that “My God is my savior in Him only I put my trust”.

“But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”is His  Mathew 16:15,16

Peter got the answer right, for this was not revealed to him by any man but by God the Father himself. But now the question arises what did he do with this revelation. Peter denied Him three times, Peter was one of the first disciples to go for fishing after Jesus Christ was crucified. He even rebuked Jesus for predicting crucifixion. He failed to understand the revelation or else he would have recognized the work of Jesus on this earth.

In our lives too, we seem to know Christ, we definitely speak highly of him but when the time comes, we fail to stand with the revelations. Who do you think you are? Are you the one who think that the past miracles and your past life were just mere luck, or coincidence? Are you the one who have got the revelation but does not know what to do with it? Stay strong, for you are placed in the QUIVER OF GOD

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