October 16, 2024

We all have learned about or at least heard about the three golden words; please, sorry, and thank you. These three words are always on the lips of a Christian. With your ‘please’, God grants your wishes. Your never ending ‘sorry’ came to end with the Calvary cross. And your countless ‘thank you’ still remains untold.

As a human being we help and get helped by others. Sometimes when we help, we expect things in return and that can be dangerous because the return at times can hurt the most. We might have helped the needy because we saw their misery or because we felt like helping them. But when we are in need there’s no one to help and  it’s not because that we’ve bad character ,heartless or anything, it’s just that no one cares what we did, or what we do. 

David had just said, “it’s been useless- all my watching over this fellow’s property in the desert so that nothing of his was missing. He has paid me back with evil for good.   1 Samuel 25:21

David was in hiding from king Saul. He himself was not secure when he tried to give security to Nabal’s property and flocks. No one told him to do so, he did so because of his big heart but Nabal repaid him with evilness. He could have been grateful. He is the one with all the resources at least give David what he deserves.

Sometimes in our life too, we find ourselves  in David’s situation. We help others, out of pure intention. With the little resource we have, we help. But in return we don’t get anything that we deserve and it seems that the people we help live more comfortably than us.

But all the evil men and troublemakers among David’s followers said, “Because they did not go out with us, we will not share with them the plunder we recovered. However, each man may take his wife and children and go. ”   1 Samuel 30:22

David had six hundred fighting Men. They all had witnessed how Nabal treated David and they were in a way tired of helping others and not getting what they deserve. They all had been helping David in his journey to become the King of Israel. But all that they did or reap out of it was running for their lives, and fighting fierce battles. The tension between them reached the maximum when Amalekites took their wives, children and their wealth. Out of six hundred  men, two hundred got exhausted. Anyhow, they won the expedition and plundered the Amalekites and got everything back. Their hearts were tired of doing good to others. Hence, did not want to share the plunder with those two hundred tired soldiers.

In  our lives too, we get tired of helping and caring for others especially when we are paid back like that.  But David here makes an ordinance to give those two hundred men the plunder they deserve.

As a child of God, we are expected to help others but don’t expect anything in return. When we are in need just lift up your eyes to the hills for your help comes from the Lord  who made the heavens and the earth. Joseph thought of seeking help from the chief cupbearer but when the time came he forgot Joseph. He was reminded again of Joseph only when God wanted him to remember. Your help is only and only from God. If Nabal refuses to help God has prepared a Barzillai. 

Help others if you can, don’t expect anything back, Your helper is God himself. For you are chosen to be placed at the QUIVER OF GOD.

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