October 15, 2024

We need immense courage to do something extraordinary. Be it to stay with our decisions, or be it to stand against the powers of enemies,  or to fight them. With our firmness and zeal sometimes we do things which are praiseworthy but when we do something under the influence of God it always gives an extraordinary result. God always sees the heart and assess the courage and zeal we have, He then compensates the rest with his spirit which gives us immense courage to follow God. We please God with our little courage and zeal, He then pours His Spirit onto us which then fathers extraordinary things. 

“You are not one of his disciples, are you?” The girl at the door asked Peter. He replied, “I am not.”             John18:17

Peter can be given the title of ‘the most courageous man’ among the twelve disciples. When others were afraid to see Jesus walking on the waters, Peter got up to face that miraculous experience (Mathew 14:28). He too walked on the waters. He had the courage to strike the high priest’s servant when they were about to arrest Jesus (John 18:10). But when a simple girl asked him whether he was the disciple of Jesus Christ he refuses. He lost all his confidence and courage when Jesus Christ his Rabbi got arrested. We might be courageous, brave,  and strong but at certain point of our lives we crack up like Peter. Once Peter received the Holy Spirit, he preached to more than three thousand people. Holy Spirit can charge you up with the courage and strength that you lose sometimes. 

When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of the God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger.     1 Samuel 11:6

King Saul was anointed by Samuel the prophet. In the beginning, He had so much zeal and courage when Nahash the Ammonite threatened Israel, he ended up cutting a pair of oxen and waging war against the enemy. But later on He disobeys and spirit of the Lord departs from him, and an evil spirit takes the driving seat of his life (1 Samuel 16:14). Parallel to this God anoints David who was very courageous and brave man, who never compromised or gave away any of his flocks to those ferocious lions and bears. The big Goliath enters the scenario. 1 Samuel 17:16 says, For forty days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand. For Forty days he dared the Israelites for a duel, day and night he mocked the Israelites and God, not once did King Saul’s anger burned. Where did his courage and zeal go? God waited for forty days, to see whether Saul takes up the challenge. Yes, he did lose the favor of God but he could have entered the battlefield simply because he is the anointed King and moreover he was supposed to believe that the battle always belonged to God. God never gives away his glory.  To remind you all, Samson too loosed the spirit of God but when people made fun of him and God, he prayed. He surely had the zeal and anger burning inside him, when he saw his enemies mocking God and his people. He prays for one last time to God to give him the strength like before. He could have thought that his strength lies in his hairs and now it’s no more so why Pray? This thoughts did not stop Samson from praying to God. Hence, he prays to God and God strengthens him again. Saul does not even pray to God. If Saul had stepped on the battlefield I believe he would have defeated Goliath. But it seemed that King Saul lost all his interest on God and his work. 
…Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it from the midianites. 
Judges 6:11
Show some courage and zeal from your part and God will fill you with more courage. Gideon showed his little courage when he threshed the harvest in the winespress. And God encouraged him more so that he defeats the midianites. If you take one small step towards God, He will take thousand steps closer to you. If you show your little courage, faith or zeal towards God, He will fill you with His Spirit to make you whole. 

Take your little step and God will make you scale the walls. Its not easy to get inside the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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