October 16, 2024

Then he told this parable: ” A man had a fig tree, planted in his vineyard, and he went to look for fruit on it, but did not find any.  So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, ‘For three years now I’ve been coming to look for fruit on this fig-tree and haven’t found any. Cut it down!  Why should it use up the soil? ‘ Luke 13:6-7


Vineyard is where vines grow. Israelites consider it of high value. They don’t grow any other plant in it. In fact, it was one of their laws not to plant any other seeds in their vineyard. They seemed to protect their vineyard very much. But in this parable you will see a man, looking for fruits on the fig-tree that he planted in his precious vineyard. For past three years he has been looking for fruits on his fig tree.

Fig tree got everything. He used up the soil of that precious vineyard. He got everything that he needed to produce fruit but he still remains fruitless. This fig tree has not adapted itself to the atmosphere of vineyard. He still thinks that vineyard is not the place for him. He does not want to accept the reality. Yes, fig tree in the vineyard sounds strange but the one who planted him knows and moreover he owns him and the vineyard. The only reason that this fig tree is still standing is because the owner wants him to be fruitful. 

Are we like that fig tree? Not accepting the reality, surrounding and always complaining about the place we are planted in. Maybe we are not happy with the job, family, Church, we get, but remember to be fruitful there because the God who planted you there wants you to be fruitful. He will provide you with the fertilizer, soil, water, sunlight and everything you need. The only thing that He wants from you in return is the Fruit. 

When God called Moses, he tried to find excuses. He tried to find weaknesses in his life. The weaknesses he ignored when he killed a man. He was like the fig tree who never wanted to be planted in the vineyard. But when God planted him he bore fruits. Joseph, Esther, Daniel are some of the other fig trees who were planted where they never wanted to be. Another man named Saul, who became the King of Israel too considered himself small. He too was like that fig tree who grew and became mighty and big but forgot to be fruitful. God grieved for that fruitless fig tree. 

Fig trees are mighty and big. Unlike vines, they grow and touch the skies. Imagine a fig tree with thick trunks. Anyone can spot this fig tree standing in the midst of small vines. But what’s the use, the fig tree is fruitless. Today we can find many such fig trees, who have name, fame, money and everything but when we get closer to them we find them to be fruitless. Fruitless in their deeds, behavior and in everything they do. We find them empty inspite of their greatness and eminence. It’s better to be a creepy fruitful vine rather to be fatty, chunky fruitless tree

“‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.'”  Luke 13:8,9 

Jesus once said in Mathew 5:13, ‘You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.’ God gives you a job expecting you to fulfill it but if you don’t, then He will have to throw or cut you down. Before cutting you down he will try to dig around you. He will dig around your comfort zone. He will put fertilizer and will wait. Because all He wants you to be is fruitful. 

Don’t hesitate but yield to God’s will. Your master will be happy, when you are fruitful. God wants to place arrows that can take sharp aims, in the QUIVER OF GOD. 

2 thoughts on “Mighty but fruitless fig tree amongst the creepy vines.

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