October 16, 2024

Are you beautiful? Many flaunt their beauty, while some struggle with the feeling of being unattractive. But God says, “I have made you beautiful and wonderful.” Beyond earthly beauty, God intends to impart many beautiful things in our lives.

If we observe the creation of the universe, we notice that after making each thing, God pauses to look back at His creation, evaluating whether it is good. That’s why we often read the words, “And He saw that it was good” after each act of creation.

But why did the Creator have to examine the things He made? Wasn’t He confident in His creation? Moreover, God did not create the world with tools or hands; He created it with the words of His mouth. The universe is the product of His imagination and words. Yet, even after speaking everything into existence, God still looked back.

It’s like a painter working on a canvas. After each stroke, the artist steps back and observes the painting from different angles to see if it matches the image in their mind. Similarly, after each act of creation, God looked back to ensure it was good.

When God created humans, He made us in His image. We were meant to be His most beautiful creation. But before He could declare that His favorite creation was good or beautiful, humans fell into sin. In Genesis 6, God expresses His disappointment, saying that every intention of the human heart had become only evil continually.

Hasn’t God done many things in our lives? As is His nature, He will look back at what He has done for us. It’s important that we bear fruit and make Him say, “It is good.” God should not regret the things He has done for us.

For example, God anointed Saul as the king of Israel. But before He could affirm that Saul was a good choice, Saul failed miserably, and God regretted making him king. Likewise, after saving and delivering us, God will look back to see if we are bearing good fruit or if we are still maintaining the beauty He gave us.

The parable of the wedding banquet also reveals the nature of God. The King invited many, but when they did not come, He invited commoners(people, both good and bad) to attend the wedding banquet. If we were in the King’s position, we might have become discouraged and abandoned the wedding altogether. We likely wouldn’t have waited for commoners to enjoy the banquet, as they weren’t originally intended to have that privilege. But this King didn’t give up. He went out and met these people, which ultimately led Him to someone who was not wearing the appropriate wedding garment. And this King punishes the man because he was not wearing the wedding attire that would have perfectly matched the vision the King had for the banquet.

Our God doesn’t abandon His plans or intentions. Though the wedding banquet didn’t unfold as expected because the original guests didn’t come, the King still proceeded with the celebration as He had envisioned. The attire, food, and all the decorations remained according to the image He had in mind for the wedding.

We can also see the nature of God in different parables where He returns to see what fruit the work of His hands has produced. If He sowed a plant, He returns to see the fruit it bore. If He gave talents to a person, He returns to see what more was accomplished with those talents. So today, imagine God asking you what you have done with the beautiful things He gave you. When He returns to check the results, will He be satisfied?

Now a man of the house of Levi married a Levite woman, and she became pregnant and gave birth to a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him for three months.  Exodus 2:1-2

God gave Moses’ parents a beautiful child at a time when no male child could survive due to the existing orders. His parents tried to protect him because they saw that the child was beautiful. Many years later, God returned in search of that beautiful child on Mount Horeb. He called Moses and gave him a commission, but all Moses could do was point out his weaknesses and limitations.

God has given us many good things in our lives, but when He asks us to use them for His glory, we often focus on our limitations and claim we lack what is needed to achieve what God wants us to do. Even if many years have passed, and even if we think God has forgotten us, He will return for the beautiful things He has created.

Sometimes people corrupt the beautiful things God gave them. And your fame spread among the nations on account of your beauty, because the splendour I had given you made your beauty perfect, declares the Sovereign Lord. But you trusted in your beauty and used your fame to become a prostitute. You lavished your favours on anyone who passed by and your beauty became his.  Ezekiel 16:14-15

Sometimes, the God-given beauty can make people prideful, causing them to stray from the path God intended for them. Lucifer was created with great beauty and wisdom, but his pride led to his downfall. Today, some people misuse God-given gifts, beauty, and anointing for selfish gain. Wasting God’s gifts will cost us dearly. God will surely come to inspect the beauty He gave us. Will He be able to say that what He gave you has remained beautiful? Will He call you a good and faithful servant?

Let’s say our beauty has somehow been lost because we live in a world full of lies and deceit. Dirt and stains may have corrupted our beauty. But God provides a solution—Joshua, the high priest, stood in filthy clothes, and God gave him new garments. So, let’s always examine ourselves, checking whether our garments or our beauty remain intact. If not, let’s pray to God that He may cleanse and restore our beauty.

And you will distress in my dwelling. Although good will be done to Israel, in your family line there will never be an old man. 1 Samuel 2:32

In this verse, we learn that God made certain things and systems beautiful and good. However, some people cannot enjoy them because of their actions. We read in many Psalms, and throughout the Bible, that the House of God is good and beautiful. It gives peace to the restless, and all who pray there will find solace. But Eli’s children, who violated or disregarded the beautiful systems and laws of God, were told that their descendants would find only distress in God’s place. While others received peace and relief in God’s temple, Eli’s children did not.

What are we boasting about—our physical beauty or God-given beauty? Let no one boast about physical beauty. And if we boast about God-given beauty or blessings, make sure we are not prideful or careless, using that beauty in ways that dishonor God. God cares, and He will return to see whether we have maintained the beauty He gave us. All who preserve their beauty will be used by God, as that is the purpose of our placement in QUIVER OF GOD.

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