October 14, 2024

Truth and lies have always had a battle, and the pawns for this battle are none other than we humans. The Serpent deceived Eve with a lie. Jesus Christ saved us with the truth. So the battle between truth and lies still persists.

The Wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness.   Romans 1:18

Suppressing the truth is as dangerous as telling a lie. For there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. The Serpent lied to Eve, and Jesus came as the true solution to that lie. But then the fact or truth that Jesus Christ rose again from death was suppressed. Chief priests bribed the soldiers to keep their mouths shut and suppressed the fact that Jesus rose again from death. When we are on the verge of knowing the truth, there will always be a force to suppress it.


King Ahab was a man who used to believe in both truth and lies. In the presence of Elijah, the man of God, King Ahab embraced the truth. However, when he found himself influenced by his wife Jezebel, he succumbed to lies. When Jezebel urged him to seize Naboth’s vineyard, he obediently complied. But when confronted by Elijah with the truth, he humbled himself, wearing sackcloth and displaying meekness (1 Kings 21:27). When Elijah commanded the execution of the prophets of Baal, Ahab nodded in agreement. Similarly, when Jezebel demanded the death of a Prophet of God, he again nodded in agreement.
Throughout the life of Ahab, he moved from truth to lies and lies to truth. The last decision of his life was also like this. There were many prophets prophesying lies, and there was only one prophet prophesying the truth, but this man chose to believe the lie. Don’t believe in both truth and lies. Believe in what is true. If we keep transitioning from truth to lies and vice versa, there will be an assembly in heaven discussing how to entice us to death. Ultimately, a lying spirit will lead us to death. (Wasn’t the life of Pharaoh the same as that of Ahab?)

Then Peter said, “Ananias,  how is it that Satan has so filled  your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land?     Acts 5:3

Lying to the Holy Spirit resulted in the death of these believers. There is nothing hidden from God, but still, we dare to lie to God. There may be days when we give excuses to God for not praying, for not meditating on the word of God, for not listening to him, but remember there’s nothing hidden from His eyes that blaze like fire. 

Guide me in your truth and teach me,  for you are God my Saviour,  and my hope is in you all day long.    Psalm 25:5

Hence, pray to God to show the truth and stay away from lies. For only the truthful ones enter the QUIVER OF GOD.

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