March 4, 2025

Get ready for a captivating Bible quiz that goes beyond showcasing your knowledge. It’s an opportunity to engage in thought-provoking contemplation and approach the Scriptures from a fresh perspective.

Which book contains this verse: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"?

Who was the first person to whom God revealed His name in the Bible?

On which day of creation did God not declare His creation to be "good"?

Did Haman hate all the Jews because of Mordecai, or did he hate Mordecai because he was Jewish?

After the Israelites, having crossed the Red Sea, faced punishment from God and Moses for worshipping the golden calf, were there any instances thereafter where they created golden calves for idolatrous worship?

Which brother of Joseph advocated for saving him instead of harming him?

According to Hebrews 11, is faith the assurance of things hoped for or is it the certainty of things not seen?

Is Rahab considered a great grandmother in the lineage of King David?

Among the women mentioned in Scripture, which woman holds the distinction of being the most frequently mentioned?

How many books are there in the Bible?

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