October 15, 2024

Every man on this earth wants to be a free bird. No one like to be caged. But sometimes circumstances forces them to remain inside the four walls.’Remaining inside the four walls’ mean, restriction to do something like, restricting ourselves from others out of fear, shame, or debt. When we follow God we are actually kept inside this four walls. We abstain ourselves from unholy things, we have some rules, responsibilities etc. which needs to be fulfilled. But these kinds of restriction makes man perfect. Maybe that’s why people accept to remain inside the four walls of rules, responsibilities and duties.

The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.  Genesis 7:16

Noah made an ark and lived inside that ark for almost one year. He did all this because God commanded him to do so. God shut him inside that ark so that he might be saved. He had everything in his ark to survive. He had surplus food,  water, and everything that he needs for living. Maybe your life is like that. At first look your life is good. You have everything, food, money, opportunities and everything. But when you look deeper into your life, you realise you are surrounded by four walls. Four walls of restrictions. Restrictions to face others, restriction from having peace, love, and joy. The doors are closed and you know it’s closed by God. But remember when you come out of that ark, that mighty God will make a covenant with you which will ensure that no one faces the situation you once were in. 


Some time later, Ben-Hadad king of Aram mobilized his entire army and laid siege to Samaria.  2 Kings 6:24

Another lock down situation happened at the time of Elisha when Aram laid siege to Israel. The whole nation was under lockdown. Now in this situation they had nothing. Life inside this four walls was  miserable. They were in a verge of losing morality, humanity and conscience. This type of shut-down came because people sinned and were far from God. Such harsh situation helps them to realise and accept their mistakes and to surrender to that supreme God. Just like the King of Israel realised that the disaster was from God.  (2 Kings 6:33). But remember when things turn around and you come out of your struggles it will be something incredible and unbelievable.

On the evening of that first day of the week,  when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you”  John 20:19

In this case people shut themselves in, out of fear. They are sitting inside that four walls, clueless. For three years, they travelled with Jesus, their Rabbi. They heard His sermons from boat, mountains, plains, and synagogues etc.  They dined and stayed in different houses be it the house of Simon the leper,  or be it the house of Zacchaeus. Even the last supper was celebrated in an unknown place (unknown to the disciples). After such vast (open air) ministries these disciples have now closed themselves inside that four walls. If you are afraid and closed yourselves inside such four walls then remember, God will come in your midst to strengthen you. Inside that same four walls these apostles prayed, analysed themselves,  and received the Holy Spirit. Revival came from such closed door experience. 

But when you pray, go into your room,  close the door and pray to your father,  who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.  Mathew 6:6 Some prayers rise from these closed doors.  These prayers can change things outside. Yes, the man surrounded with four walls controls the outside world. 

Are you confined within the boundaries of four walls? What is restraining you within these enclosures? Is it fear that keeps you trapped? Is God to be held accountable for your present situation? Do you require repentence in your life? Take a moment to analyze and evaluate yourself within these enclosed spaces.

As Joshua commands his people “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices,  do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!” (Joshua 6:10). If you are inside such closed doors remain silent for it’s not your time. But when the  time comes shout, Shout in such a way that every wall gets crumbled to dust. There’s a time for you to come out of the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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