October 15, 2024

When your words came, I ate them: they were my joy and my heart’s delight, O Lord GOD Almighty. 

I never sat in the company of revellers never made merry with them;I sat alone because your hand was on me and you had filled me with indignation.
Why is my pain unending and my wound grievous and incurable? Will you be to me like a deceptive Brook like a spring that fails?
Jeremiah 15:16-18
We all know how joyful it is to recieve the word from GOD. When promise comes people leave their household like Abraham, they completely forget everything and follow the promisekeeper. But to reach the fulfillment of promise people go through many difficulties. They are cut down completely, and are alone with only promise in their hand.
Jacob recieves the promise or blessing from Isaac and from that time onwards he was alone,  alone in Bethel, alone in Laban’s house, alone when his wives fought over.
Joseph saw dreams and got so excited that he started to tell his brothers resulting in an exclusion humiliation and loneliness in his life.Not even once did GOD tell Jacob that your beloved son is alive.Why? Did GOD, who even showed Jacob how to multiply the flocks (Genesis 31:10-12) forgot to reveal Jacob that Joseph was alive? No ,but  because Jacob-GOD relation and Joseph-GOD relation is more valuable or important than any Jacob-Joseph relation, for that loneliness will make them to move towards GOD.
Moses was the promised deliverer, and so he was alone from the start. In his 120 years on this earth he lived and had relation with three nations. Egypt adopted him, he bacame a son in law to midianites, and of course  a Judge to Israel. He brought destruction to both Egypt and Midianites( the last command of GOD to Moses was to wage war against midian Numbers31:2). His own did not accept him. In the end no one of his generation did survive to reach the promises Land except the two. He was alone.
Job, David, Jeremiah, and all those who received the word were alone for GOD’S hand was upon them. John the baptist shrinked to become just a voice in the wilderness, but a time came when Jesus proclaimed that he was greater than any man born of a woman. Like that we are the promised children of GOD, we may be alone,may be surrounded by four walls of restriction, maybe a voice operating in wilderness, palace like Esther but a time will come when Son of GOD will acknoledge us,acknowledge our tears, acknowledge our love before his Angels.

       I am the true vine; you are the branches.If a man remains in me and I in him, He will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5          

GOD puts us through such situation that we might be grafted in him.In Romans 11:24, we see that we were chosen from wild olive to be grafted in a cultivated olive tree. Yes the pain is unending ,wounds are grievous and incurable but once the we are grafted in completely,our scars will be hidden. GOD is a deceptive brook and a spring that fails, he keeps on reminding the promises and motivates us to run forward to receive the promise. Like an oasis in the desert, we keep running in hope but those who run till the end will surely cross the desert.
This whole journey of processing and fashioning was to make you a sharp arrow. Hence only the best will rest in the QUIVER OF GOD.

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