October 16, 2024

Believing in God is one of the best thing one can do when in trouble. Believing that God can change the life. Believing He can heal every sickness. Believing in every promises of God, are some of the beliefs that one must have. Belief and faith in God makes us do some crazy stuff and God turns our every craziness to amazement. Now the question is ‘Are you a believer?’, this question can be very tricky for those who are dangling between belief and unbelief. 

“It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.””‘ If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed,” I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief !”      Mark 9:22-24

Here, a man brought his son who was suffering from the tormentation of the evil spirit, to the disciples. But the disciples were unable to expel it and there lots of discussions took place.  People started to argue, ultimately Jesus came and healed his son. 

The man would say, ‘Jesus, I heard about the miracles you did. Even your disciples were doing miracles, I heard it all. For the first time I had some hope. I hoped and started to believe that my son too can live a normal life like others. Whenever I heard about your miracles I gained more and more faith and here I am with my son.’

‘ but as I reached here my beliefs turned to  unbelief. None of your disciples could heal my son and I don’t know when me and my son became the talk of the town. People have started to debate on my life and my situation. They bring different solutions and conclusions. Now all I can say is if you can do anything, take pity and help us.’

We all can relate to this. Miracles, testimonies, preachings etc. makes us believe in that Supreme God but as soon as the reality hits us we become the unbelievers. When great disciples of God fail to give solutions to our problems, we start to unbelieve. When we become the talk of the town, we start to unbelieve. Even after all this, when someone asks, ‘Are you a believer ?’ we immediately say ‘Yes I am.’ but the fact is we need help to overcome our unbelief from God himself.

When Jesus saw that a crowd was running to the scene, he rebuked the evil spirit…. Mark 9:25

God won’t leave us in the crowd. He will heal and change our lives before those people who saw our misery and showed pity on us. Peter showed great courage and faith when he started to walk on the water but as soon as the waves of reality hit him, he drowned. And instead of appreciating the courage and faith of Peter (unlike others) all Jesus said was ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’

Hence, the next time when we answer the question ‘Are you a believer’, make sure that we are not dangling between belief and unbelief.  For only believers enter the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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