October 15, 2024

Humans do have five senses with which they try to rule this world. These five senses help them to understand nature and their surrounding and they react accordingly. In our Christian life, these senses can help us to stay closer to God or can drive us away from God. 

‘Hearing’ is one of the senses with which we percieve our surrounding. Most of us would prefer calmer places and would hope to find rest for our ears, or soothing voices that can revive our ears from all the disturbance and  noises we heard in our entire life. This is what happens to a Christian man,  he likes to hear God’s voice but the noises that the demon creates confuses him. Ultimately he closes his ears and in his closed ears he hears the noises that the devil created, and he chooses that. 

Eve used all five senses to sin. She heard the Serpent, saw the fruit, touched it, must have smelled it, and ultimately  tasted it. Notable  point here is that hearing can lead us to sin, and can influence other senses. 

He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid  because I was naked; so I hid. ”            Genesis 3:10

When Adam and Eve sinned, their ears became more active, they inclined their ears to every moving object that made sound. Fear crept into them. Hence, when they heard God they hid themselves. When we fear something,  our ears are inclined to them. Ears are active, when we fear something. People fear from darkness, and in darkness our ears are the senses that we depend on. 

Promises of God are heard by our ears. Calling of God is heard from our ears. Abraham heard God’s voice and it changed his life.  He submitted his senses to God. God repeated His promises again and again to his ears so that he never gets discouraged. So that the noises won’t distract him. That’s  why Isaiah 55:3 says, Give ear and come to me; hear me,  that your soul may live. I will make an everasting covenant with you,  my faithful love promised to David. Promises that we hear everyday are heard by our ears and one day He will say ‘ Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing. ‘ (Mathew 4-21).

Your ears hear things that help you to take decision. You will hear many advices and suggestions but choose what is right before God. Rehoboam heard two advices and he chose the wrong advice. Don’t turn your ears to things that you want to hear but instead hear what God has to say. As Paul says in 2 Timothy  4:3, For the time will come when men will not put up with sound Doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. For more clarity, God gave us His Spirit so that we hear Him and not to others.  Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you,  saying,  “This is the way; walk in it. ” Isaiah 30:21

Don’t let your ears hear gossips, or reports that will destroy your faith in God. Always hear what God has to say. Man who submit his senses to God will be kept in the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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