October 16, 2024

One of the most used and trusted sense organ of a man is eyes. This sense of sight helps us to move through obstacles that could have stopped us. Our eyes sets the destination and our whole body responds to it. The only thing that can stop this sense is darkness.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.  If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!      Mathew 6:22,23

In our Christian life, our eyes can either lead us to evilness or to God. It is up to us in which way we want go. Eve saw the fruit and found it pleasing to the eyes. David sinned because he saw what he was not supposed to see. Hence, eyes can lead a man to sin. 

Ears hear promises and God makes sure that the eyes see the promise. When Abraham heard God’s promise he left his father’s household to see what God promised him. And God showed his eyes what he promised. Moses was called to take the Israelites to the promised land Canaan but he was not able to complete the task as he sinned against God by not listening to God’s word properly. But the faithful God made sure that his eyes see what He promised. Then the Lord said to Moses,  “Go up this mountain in Abarim Range and see the land I have given the Israelites. Numbers 27:12. 

Everyone’s eyes are different. People see things differently, they have different views, perceptions and  visions. These views are very important to God.  What you see defines your life. When Moses chose twelve leaders to explore the land of Canaan. Ten of them saw that the land was good, and the people living in it were powerful,  they claimedthat they saw Anakites. But only two of them saw themselves possessing the land  and swallowing them. They saw that their enemies’ protection was gone (Numbers 14:9). The difference in their views made all the difference. 

“You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken from you,  it will be yours- otherwise not”               2 Kings 2:10 

Elijah was a Man of God who was expert in the game Hide and seek.  For almost three years he hid himself.  King Ahab and his whole army searched for him for all these three years but failed to catch him. And at last when Elijah made himself known to Obadiah, he says ” I don’t  know where the Spirit of the Lord may carry you when I leave you.” Hence, no one was ever sure about his whereabouts. This was well known to Israel. Hence, when Elisha asks for double portion of anointing he puts forward this challenge of seeing him taken up to heaven.  Elisha is determined to see Elijah taking off.  The other so called prophets heard what was about to happen but never had the courage or determination to follow Elijah. But when he saw the Chariot of fire separating him and Elijah going up to heaven. He realised he is all alone. His mentor was gone. He had nothing left of him, except his cloak. He strucked the water of Jordan by saying ‘ where now is the Lord,  the God of Elijah? ‘ As an answer from God water divided to the left and to the right.  His eyes were opened at that time. From that time he knew who was with him. 

When an army of Arameans came to caputure Elisha. His servant got frightened.  But Elisha cooly says “Don’t be afraid, those  who are with us are more than those who are with them.” Then he prays for his servant that he may see the hill full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. This was not new to him as he had a long relation with the Chariot of fire. Many will be satisfied with what they hear,  but the one who pursue to see what he heard will surely inherit the promise. 

How many of us have the courage to pursue and see what we hear from God. When whole Israel was afraid of  the presence of God,  when they saw the whole thundering and lightening,Moses was not at all afraid. Not only that He had the courage to ask God to show him His Glory. Yes, Our eyes can see great and mighty things if we are inclined to God. For he has prepared things that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has concieved. 

As Psalm 119:18  says Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. We should pray that we may see what others don’t and to understand the will of God. Also We should take a decision that I will set before my eyes no vile things. (Psalm101:3). For those who have sharp eyes will not miss a place in the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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