October 14, 2024

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.       Psalm 34:8

Hearing and seeing things do give us the perceptions of the things that we see but tasting is the only sense that can sense its true nature. Eve saw the fruit to be good and pleasing, but when she tasted it she felt it to be worth giving to her husband Adam. Things can often be deceptive, but tasting things can prove their true nature. That’s why David say Taste and see that the Lord is good. He tastes as good as He looks like, not like the father of deception who pretends to be good but when tasted we get the bitterness inside him. 

Samson and Jonathan are two great men who tasted honey from wrong place and at the wrong time. Samson was a Nazirite and he was not supposed to touch the dead or anything out of it, but still he tasted honey from the lion’s dead body he devoured. Jonathan tasted honey when his father had commanded not to eat anything till they destroy the Phillistines. 

Samson tasted what he was not supposed to taste (Numbers 6:6).Not everything is permissible to eat. Taste what God told us to eat, if we turn to things that we are not supposed to taste then get prepared to experience the downfall like that of Samson. Jonathan was unaware of the oath, but still he became the reason of the question ‘Why God is not answering?’ I wish Jonathan waited for a little longer before he tasted that honey. Hence, see that you taste only things that God gave you and at the right time God appointed you to eat.  Don’t be hasty to eat whatever comes before. 

I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.        Revelation 10:9

Often the word of God is compared with things that can be tasted. Manna symbolises the Word of God and manna tasted like wafers made with honey. Yes, the Word of God tastes like honey. They are sweet. Both John and Ezekiel were commanded to eat the scroll (words) and both of them says that it tastes sweet in mouth. But the sweetness turned to sourness in the stomach. The words are sweet but words are difficult to digest. Preaching can be fun but to live with it can be difficult.

Taste things that God prepares for you, and taste it at the right time. God wanted Israel to taste the land flowing with milk and honey, but they had to wait for a long time to reach that place. Cherish the word of God and try to live with it. Taste and see God for He tastes like honey in the Rock. In doing so, He will place you in the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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