October 16, 2024

We are familiar with the touch of midas, but are we familiar with the touch of a Christian man? First things first, Christian man’s touch is not less than midas touch. Whatever he touches it truly turns to Gold, that is, he will find success in everything he does. 

We touch things that we own. We don’t touch things that we don’t own. When God gives you his promise, He will make sure that you embrace it. Israelites heard about the promised land Canaan. Fathers spoke about this promise to their Children. Children saw the fruits of the promised land and ultimately Children embraced or touched the land flowing with milk and honey. 

He is to present the Bull at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting before the Lord. He is to lay his hand on its head and slaughter it before the Lord.   Leviticus 4:4  In our spiritual life, this sense has a great significance. When we touch we are claiming that we are a part of that thing. In the Old Testament, the man was supposed to lay his hand on the sin offering showing that all the sins he did are now on the head of that Animal. In the New Testament, Jesus died for our sins, and those who embrace Jesus are embracing freedom.

In the Old testament, the people who were unclean were not supposed to touch anything because that would defile those things they touched. Anything that touched holy things like altar, that would become holy. This simple touch could make things holy and unholy. Today we should see that the things that we touch, or the things that we own, do not contain anything unholy. Our surroundings, our friends circle, and with whom we are in touch with. Are they presentable to God?  Whatever we possess should not be something that would bring disgrace to God. Hence , we should abstain from things that can draw us away from God. 

When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought,” If I just touch his clothes I will be healed.”  Mark 5:28,29.  This woman wanted a healing touch.  She believed that if she touched the source of healing,  she will be healed. A woman who was supposed to touch no one, decided to touch the most Holy God. She got healed by this touch. A man with leprosy came anger knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are  willing,  you can make me clean.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing he said. Mathew 8:2,3  This man suffered from disease which made him unclean. The society considered him untouchable. The extent of influence his disease made to his mind is evident by the words “if you are willing.” He might have thought that this disease made him untouchable to even God, but what he doesn’t know is that this God is willing to embrace him to make him clean. 

We will surely touch the promises of God,  till that time let’s abstain from things that can defile us. Instead wait for the touch of God that can heal, clean and strengthen us.  For those who embrace God will be found in the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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