October 16, 2024

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” Luke 5:6


Simon was a fisherman by profession. He and his friends worked all night but to their bad luck they couldn’t catch a single fish. Distressed about their failure, they were washing their nets, that’s when a well known carpenter advises them to take the boat to the deep water and to let down the nets for a catch. Taking on His advise they let down the nets and caught large number of fishes. That Carpenter is none other than Jesus Christ. 

When you fail, we lose hope. But if you know God is there by your side then you won’t regret for trying again. Whatever may be the past experience, try again for victory is for sure. This year might not be something worth remembering but the coming year can be if you are ready to let down the nets. 

In Judges 20, we see Israelites fighting Benjamites. They enquired God, and charged against benjamites exactly the way God told them but they were beaten twice. Each time they failed they encouraged each other and took the same position to try again (Judges 20:22). It was this third time when Israelites defeated benjamites. 

Sometimes things don’t happen the way we anticipate. But those who have the courage to try again at the Lord’s command will surely taste victory. 

“Or suppose a king is about to go to war against another king. Will he not first sit down and consider whether he is able with ten thousand men to oppose the one coming against him with twenty thousand?  Luke 14:31

We all calculate the work before doing it. We all calculate the cost before jumping into something. But when these calculations go wrong we tremble. When the cost exceeds our estimation we fail to pay. The cost of being HIS Disciple is that we need to give up everything we have. When we do so, we have no other option but to follow what he says even if that means to let down the nets for another try. 

As we enter into new year, let’s forget the  failures, humiliations we experienced in the past instead get ready for another shot. Let this be  a year of accomplishments. Those who  are ready to let down the nets at God’s command will be placed in the QUIVER OF GOD. 

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