March 10, 2025

We are all aware that God blesses everyone, even in the midst of difficult times. God always promises blessings to His people. However, there are times when we doubt if God will truly bless us. If we have managed to believe that God will bless us, it becomes our responsibility to decide how we will manage those blessings. Let’s examine some examples from the Bible on how people handled their blessings.  

Handle blessings

People who try to amend their past with their blessings.

And be sure to say, ‘Your servant Jacob is coming behind us.”’ For he thought, “I will pacify him with these gifts I am sending on ahead; later, when I see him, perhaps he will receive me.” Genesis 32:20

Jacob was a man who betrayed both his brother and father. He fled from his brother and sought refuge with his Uncle Laban. Throughout his journey, God blessed him abundantly. Jacob himself acknowledges this in Genesis 32:10, stating, ” I am unworthy of all the kindness and faithfulness you have shown your servant. I had only my staff when I crossed this Jordan, but now I have become two groups.” Despite receiving numerous material blessings, he remained unsatisfied and even wrestled with God to obtain further blessings. As a result of his struggle with both men and God, he was bestowed a new name, “Israel.” Interestingly, despite his new name, Jacob still refers to himself as a servant of Esau.

Jacob deceived his father, Isaac, by pretending to be Esau and received his blessings. In an attempt to make amends for his wrongdoing, he wanted to pacify Esau with the blessings he had received from God. However, the truth is that Esau was already blessed and did not require any gifts from Jacob.

If we examine these two twin brothers closely, we notice that they had equal possessions. Esau inherited his father’s wealth and acquired even more, while Jacob had to work for Laban but still had an abundance of resources, just like Esau. However, the significant difference between them emerged when Jacob wrestled with God for an additional blessing. This blessing made all the difference. Despite this, Jacob hesitated to fully embrace his newfound blessing and continued to refer to himself as “Jacob, the servant of Esau.”

People who think that God cannot bless others  

Some people, after receiving God’s blessings, begin to believe that they are superior and that God cannot bless others. They may have been humble before receiving their blessings, but afterwards, they seek fame and recognition.

Samuel said, “Although you were once small in your own eyes, did you not become the head of the tribes of Israel? The Lord anointed you King over Israel. 1 Samuel 15:17

Saul, the very first king of Israel, was a very humble man. He hid himself when Samuel called him to be anointed in front of the elders. He referred to himself as the least among the tribes of Israel and the least among the clans of Benjamin when Samuel revealed that the desire of Israel had turned toward him and his father’s family.

Saul gradually grew to love the attention and power he enjoyed as the King of Israel. He even erected a monument in his own honor (1 Samuel 15:12). When Samuel was planning to leave Saul, all Saul cared about was his image before the elders of Israel. He harbored hatred towards David because the people of Israel sang, “Saul has slain his thousands and David his tens of thousands.

People who like to show off their blessings.

Hezekiah received the messengers and showed them all that was in his storehouse – the silver, the gold, the spices and the fine oil – his armory and everything found among his treasures. There was nothing in his palace or in all his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them. 2 Kings 20:13

Hezekiah had lost all his gold and treasures to the King of Assyria. In 2 Kings 18:16, it is mentioned that he removed the gold covering from the temple’s doors and doorposts. Additionally, he fell ill, but by God’s grace, fifteen years were added to his life. In that brief span, he accomplished many things, acquiring treasures and gold. Whatever he pursued, he found success with God’s help. However, he gradually became proud of his achievements.

Visitors from Babylon came to meet Hezekiah due to the miraculous sign God had shown him. The sign was given by God through Isaiah which involved turning back of the clock. When the Babylonians arrived and inquired about the sign, Hezekiah eagerly showed them all his blessings from God but failed to acknowledge the prophet Isaiah through whom God had worked.

At times, people become so enthralled by the blessings they receive from God that they forget to praise Him. They marvel at what they have received without remembering to depend on God for everything, especially during times of distress. We must always remember our humble beginnings and recognize that our current state is solely due to God’s intervention.

It is often said, “Don’t count your eggs before they hatch.” However, as believers in an almighty and faithful God who blesses everyone, we must move beyond doubting God and consider how we will handle His blessings when we receive them. Will we use our blessings, both material and spiritual, to make amends for our past wrongdoings or to gain more fame, wealth, and recognition? Be prepared for the blessings God will pour on those who wait in the QUIVER OF GOD.    

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