October 12, 2024

We all know our gentle Saviour, we believe he will come to our rescue, for he owns us. He is our redeemer but the insecurity , confusion and lack of faith forces us to think that God is not with us. ‘Will he really come up to my rescue? ‘ , ‘Will he fulfill the promises he promised? ‘. In such dilemmas and confusion we compare ourselves with others. We start to count their blessings instead of counting ours and come to the conclusion that God is with them and not with us. We start to dig our past and accuse ourselves. 

How long O Lord? Will you forget me for ever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts  and everday have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?                 Psalm13:1,2

Sarah and Abraham longed for a child but when she saw she is not getting the blessing. She gave Hagar to Abraham. So she said to Abram, “The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” Genesis 16:2. The word ‘Perhaps’ in this verse clearly shows the doubt of Sarah. She thought Hagar also will not be able to concieve. But when she saw that Hagar is carrying  the child of old Abraham. She was frustrated, more to that Hagar now despised her. That is the feeling we all get, when we see others getting the blessings we deserve.’ We started together but today he is ahead of me.’ WHY?

Hanah and Rachel all had  the same experience. Their cries were ‘Pass me not O gentle Saviour, while on others thought art calling, while on others thou bless, do not pass me by! ‘

Sometimes God remains silent, he will pass by you as if he never knew, just the same way Jesus passed by the blind Bartemius. Remember it is the same Jesus who stopped by Scycamore tree to call Zacchaeus ( Luke 19:15.) It is the same Jesus who raised a widow’s son from death (Luke 17:12,15).He did pass by them but stopped to call and heal. But here, He is simply passing by the blind Bartemius without having a pinch of compassion. Why? Because He wants you to call upon him. Because He wants you to depend on him. Because He wants to reveal his glory to you. Yes,today our neighbours are more blessed but tomorrow Isaac will be greater than Ishmael, Samuel will be more important to God than any Peninnah’s children. God passes by you because he wants to give the greater blessing at his right time. At his appropriate time he will do things swiftly. 

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br8c0Kkx6vs]

Wait! For  he will surely hear you and will not pass you by. Wait! For you are a precious and Sharpened arrow in the                                                                 QUIVER OF GOD

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