October 15, 2024

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.                                                Hebrews 10:23

Promises of GOD keeps us motivated to move forward in Christ. A promise that was made by JESUS two thousand years ago that he will return keeps us motivated and we are waiting on him eagerly. A promise can change life. GOD saw Abraham and said leave your household and promised him to make him into great nations (Genesis 12:1,2).JESUS saw Peter and said ‘Follow me , I will make you fishers of men.’ (Mathew 4:19) and Ta…Da…Peter’s life changed . Everytime GOD promised , people ‘s life changed or put it this way his promises are meant to change people. 

Promises are meant to be kept not to be broken. Promise is directly proportional to the faith in the person who promised. If you have faith on a person it means you know he will fulfill his promise.  Standing on a promise would mean to believe in the person who promised. When GOD promises something, believe in him. No matter what comes and goes by stand on the promise of GOD. 

GOD promised to give Abraham a son, and to make a nation out of him. Isaac was born but then GOD told Abraham to sacrifice him. What would your reaction be when promise itself is slipping away  from our hands. But Abraham stood on the promise . He never doubted GOD. We see he never even imagined of sacrificing his promised child Isaac. He believed that GOD will provide for him. (Genesis 22:8) . He stood on the promise and knew GOD will keep his promise.

When a promise comes it comes with fight. GOD promised Israel a land flowing with milk and honey , but they had to fight many wars in order to reach their promised land.  In these fights don’t lose heart and stand on the promise of GOD . Sometimes GOD remain silent and we wonder why GOD is not answering.  Israel ‘s promise was followed by 400 years long silence by GOD . For that is the time of moulding and shaping. Even if GOD is silent take a stand on his promise for he is trustworthy,  faithful and promisekeeper.

For those who stand on the promise of GOD,  ultimately stays in the                                                                        QUIVER OF GOD.

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