October 15, 2024

We all depend on God. We all want to follow God and are thirsty for His presence. God leads us to all victories. He leads us through the festive of victories. There’s no doubt in that, but sometimes God lead us straight to Marah, a place of bitterness. The bitterness of that place teaches us many things. 

Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they went into the Desert of Shur. For three days they travelled in the desert without finding water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. (That is why the place is called Marah.) Exodus 15: 22,23


God freed Israel from the hands of Egyptians. The red sea was parted, Pharoah and his people got drowned in the sea. With this great victory, Israelites moved forward. Not to mention the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire which lead the people in that desert. Even then they travelled without finding water.

We may have God by our side but that doesn’t mean we will have a trouble-free life. The closer you get to God the harder and more the tests come in the way. On the third day Israelites found the waters of Marah. The point when you feel that all the tests are over, the tests take second shape. If the test was not finding the water, now the test was the bitter taste of water. Why does God lead the thirsty to Marah?

To test them: –

God always tests people and want to see their reaction and response. The first reaction to the problems decides many things in our life. Are we trusting him? Are we the first ones to grumble against God? What did Israel gain after going through the test. They were thirsty, they found the water which was bitter but eventually God healed the water. What did they gain? (Answer is in Exodus 15:27).

Abraham was told to sacrifice his only son Isaac on the mount of Moriah. They had to travel for almost three days. Abraham used to sacrifice at his own place (or wherever he used to stay), then why Moriah? God always takes his people to some place to test them. In that journey, He looks at us. Sometimes, we may wonder why did God take me through that place, situation, or people. “I had nothing to gain from it. It was complete waste of time in my life.” But the truth is, Abraham who went up to that mountain is not the same one returning. People might question about the specialty of that sacrifice. For ultimately it was all the same sacrifice. But the specialty of that sacrifice is now God has a different impression of Abraham. He was no longer a normal man but a Friend of God.

To show His Glory: –

God always wants to show his glory to his servants. He would never yield his glory to anyone. After putting Job through difficult tests. He and his friends reasoned to why such things happened. His friends described God in their own understandings. They were sure that the God is what they thought He would be. But the very first thing God had to say to Job’s friends was “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.” ( Job 42:7) . All those wisdom and knowledge goes away when God puts us through tests. We come to know about God more closely. He makes his paths known to us. His ways are mysterious but some of his mysteries will get unfolded when God takes us through those tests.

To make the Marah clean and sweet: –

Now think of Marah, a bitter water that travellers cursed every time they see and drink it. But after God heals the water, many could drink it. God leads Elijah to the widow at Zarephath. She only had a handful of flour and little oil in the jug. God does not always lead people to abundance, but he would not let you lack anything. The widow lived because of the man of God, and the man of God lived because of the Widow. God connects people so that we may complement each other and fulfil our requirements.

Lets wait on to God when He leads us to some Marah, for he may be testing us and wishes us to come forth as gold. Or He wants you to learn more about the great “I am”. Or He wants you to clear the long-standing obstacle so that the others may get the benefit of it. The one who was led by God will be lead in the QUIVER OF GOD.

1 thought on “Why does God lead the thirsty to Marah..

  1. I want to thank God, for helping me to write this 50th post. I never thought of writing this much. Thank u all for the love and support. May God bless u all..

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