February 5, 2025

God is omnipresent; that is, He is everywhere. He listens to our prayers and can be found by anyone who searches for Him. However, every believer knows that there are certain times or seasons in which we feel that God is much nearer to us than before. When we call Him, He suddenly answers our prayers, instructs us, and we feel He is suddenly much closer to us. That is why Isaiah 55:6 says, “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Hence, there are certain times in which God lingers around us. Why? Let’s look at some of the reasons why God doesn’t want to leave us.


God wants us to answer Him.

The Lord came and stood there calling, as at other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!‘” – 1 Samuel 3:10

Samuel was just a boy when God called him. He didn’t understand that God was calling him when God called him at other times (three times). Eli had to tell him what to say when God calls him. Many times God is waiting for us to respond to Him. He is standing by our bedside, looking at us running in all directions, mistaking His call for someone else’s call.

This chapter itself proves that the word of the Lord was rare in those days. But when God decided to share His Word, He needed Samuel to listen. He can wait patiently for Samuel to learn how to respond to Him. Hence, God stays near us so that we may listen to His words. He will share such words with us that may tingle the ears of those who hear it.

Gabriel did not leave Mary after telling her that she was to be born with a child whose name must be Jesus. He waited for her response. He left her only when she surrendered herself. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.” Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38)

God wants to hear certain words from our mouths. He wants us to surrender to His will. We may have many promises and blessings kept for us. We may rejoice when we hear such messages and calls from God. But until we surrender ourselves to Him, He can’t do anything. The Holy Spirit would not come upon Mary or overshadow her until she surrenders herself to God. Hence, He will not leave until we surrender.

God wants to oppose our reckless path.

The angel of the Lord asked him, ‘Why have you beaten your donkey these three times? I have come here to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me.’” – Numbers 22:32

Balaam was going with his donkey to Balak on his summon. He was going to curse God’s people. But God never wanted Balaam to curse His people. The donkey turned three times from its way because he saw the Angel with his drawn sword. Balaam’s spiritual eyes were closed, and he did not see the Angel standing there to oppose him.

Many times we too go on some reckless paths. These paths turn our eyes blind, and we too may not see God rebuking us and opposing our path. We beat certain donkeys in our lives. When we see that our life is not going the way we want, we will blame people, circumstances, and every other thing but never blame ourselves for it. Maybe the truth of our lives going haywire is that God is opposing our reckless path. God will pursue us and would really want us to turn to the right path. To turn such people from their reckless way, God’s Angels wait on the way.

When we stop God from leaving us.

Then the man said, ‘Let me go, for it is daybreak.’ But Jacob replied, ‘I will not let you go unless you bless me.’” – Genesis 32:26

Jacob wrestled with God to get his blessings. Daybreak was the time assigned for the man to leave, but because Jacob was not leaving him, He could not leave. He had to bless him to leave from there.

The world has seen many revivals in many parts of the world. After some time, these revivals stop because no one is there to carry or continue the fire of God. The Holy Spirit is ready to come near us, but we are the ones really running away from the Spirit of God. But the truth is some people can make God stop from their cries and prayers. Jesus stopped before Bartimaeus’ call. He stopped at the sycamore tree because of Zacchaeus’ faith. He stopped when the woman with the issue of blood touched. Hence, we too can turn God from passing away by our faith, prayer, and cries.

Like Moses said to God, “If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” We too must say, “God stay near us that we may know our calling and tasks. God stay near us so that we may not go into reckless paths. God stay near us so that we may be blessed.”

Manoah said to the angel of the Lord, “We would like you to stay until we prepare a young goat for you.” The angel of the Lord replied, “Even though you detain me, I will not eat any of your food. But if you prepare a burnt offering, offer it to the Lord.” Judges 13:15,16

Manoah and his wife, the parents of Samson, received the great responsibility of caring for the child that was to be born. They were very grateful for the calling. The Angel of the Lord waited for them to prepare the burnt offering for God. When they had prepared and offered it to the Lord, the Angel of the Lord showed them an amazing thing by ascending in flame to heaven.

Many times, Jesus is waiting for us to prepare some burnt offerings for Him—perhaps a song of thanksgiving or a simple praise. He wants to see our grateful hearts, as Jesus appreciates a thankful spirit. Are we like those nine lepers who were healed but never returned to the healer, Jesus? Or are we like the Samaritan leper who returned at once when he was healed, falling at the feet of Jesus?

God is waiting nearby for us. How will we respond to Him? He will wait patiently for us so that we may respond to His calling, change our reckless paths, or simply for observing our grateful hearts. God stays near those arrows that would be kept in the QUIVER OF GOD.

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