October 16, 2024

Action speaks louder than words or action can influence a person more than words. But in God’s case words and action do have the same result because words are always accompanied by action. They are inseparable. They are like lightning and thundering. Yes, we see lightning followed by thundering but technically both occur at the same time. God’s word is like lightning it arrives first followed by the action. Sometimes it takes time to see the actions. Hence, God- Words- Actions have very long, long relation.

Son of man, what is this proverb you have in the land of Israel: ‘ The days go by and every vision comes to nothing?’. Say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am going to put an end to this proverb, and they will no longer quote it in Israel. Say to them, ‘ The days are near when every vision will be fulfilled  .            Ezekiel 12:22-23

The proverb that was famous in Israel which did not bring glory to God. The words that were spoken against God. The words that questioned God himself. God is answering to those words spoken by mere humans. Reminding us the words of Paul ‘who are you to Question God?’

The people around you must be muttering words ‘ where is his God?’ They may be inflicting you with words that hurt you and God. Words of Discouragment may be coming from your friends. Job too had such friends who spoke words that injured him instead of comforting. Israelites muttered and grumbled against God and Moses. Shimei cursed David and used words as a medium to hurt him.

There are words that hurts but there is a God above who can mend it with his actions. He will not remain silent he will give a reply with his action. For our God is a zealous God. The first thing God spoke to Job was ‘Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge? ’ ( Job 38:2). He was concerned about the words spoken rather than Job’s condition. He won’t keep quiet for long. The WORD will answer with his action. He will make Israelites quiet with his actions, Red Sea will have to divide before him. Manna, quail, water are all actions of God that silenced the words of Israelites. God will make Shimei bow before David. 

Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.     Proverbs 30:6

Hence, the words we speak must be constructive not destructive.The words that are spoken by People may hurt you but God’s actions can mend it.God will surely rise up to your defence. God makes our mouth like a sharpened arrow, so be carefully with it, otherwise there will be no place for us in the                                                                                           QUIVER OF GOD. 

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